Kroeger Herb Wormwood Parasite Control Kit Description: The Wormwood Kit is an exceptional ensemble of products to support a parasite-free lifestyle. Based around Hanna Kroeger’s famous Wormwood Combination, this is an effective program that also includes Cloves and Extra Strength Black Walnut Hull tincture. Now all these items are available in a convenient, descriptive package. Hanna Kroeger designed the Wormwood Combination in the 1970’s drawing upon her extensive experience of using herbs for people’s health needs. This perfect combination of herbs is balanced, and so it is effective on parasites while being harmless to the host. Also included in this program are extra cloves, to assist with the body’s elimination and black walnut tincture for extra cleansing. DO I HAVE PARASITES? We get parasites from food, water, contact with pets and the environment. We can be host to several hundred different types of parasites ranging from microscopic amoebas to tapeworms that can grow to be several feet long. Most of the time we do not notice parasites. We can afford to share the nutrients from food and eliminate their waste without too much burden on our system. As populations of parasites gradually increase, we start having issues like allergies, congestion, restlessness, sleeplessness and poor digestion that we accept as our normal health status. These issues come on over a long period of time so we do not notice them as anything wrong. Since parasites are so prevalent, it seems everyone can benefit from a yearly parasite cleanse. WORMWOOD KIT CONTAINS: Wormwood CombinationA blend of black walnut leaves, wormwood, cloves, quassia and a touch of male fern that is very gentle on the host, yet powerful on roundworms.(Two bottles) ClovesHelps safeguard digestion from the effects of parasites, aids in the elimination of toxic waste and helps pass parasites and their eggs from the system.(Two bottles) Black Walnut TinctureExtra StrengthThis great anti-parasitic herb acts in several ways to address parasites. It works as a laxative to help expel parasites from the intestinal tract, it also oxygenates the blood to help kill parasites, and can also assist in ridding parasites from the blood, lymphatic system and organs such as kidneys, brain, liver, heart and intestinal tract.(One 2 oz. bottle) Disclaimer These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Kroeger Herb Wormwood Parasite Control Kit Description: The Wormwood Kit is an exceptional ensemble of products to support...
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