Discover the benefits of having a coffee maker at home. Learn how to make your espresso

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How to make espresso with coffee maker

There is a device that can be very useful for your kitchen and your wallet. Firstly, it can save you money in the long run because instead of spending money at coffee shops daily, you can enjoy a freshly brewed cup without going out or waiting in line. It’s also incredibly convenient in the morning, allowing you to prepare your beverage at your own pace and start your day right.


Another benefit is the ability to customize your drink. You can choose the best bean type and adjust the grind and quantity to get your desired flavor and intensity. You can even experiment with different recipes and flavors to create unique combinations tailored to your taste.


So, if you're looking for an excellent recipe to try with your coffee maker, or if you're still considering buying one, below you'll learn how to make espresso (one of the most popular coffees) with different types of coffee makers.


How to make an espresso with a coffee maker

This type of infusion is served in small portions and is usually highly concentrated. It’s the basis for cappuccinos, americanos, lattes, and macchiatos. To make it, you need finely ground beans and high-pressure water.


Here are the basic steps to make it:

  • Grind: grind the beans just before brewing to intensify the flavor.

  • Measuring: a common measure is 18 to 20 grams for a double espresso (14 to 18 grams for a single).

  • Distribution and tamping: spread the ground coffee evenly in the filter and use your finger or a spoon to level the surface. Apply firm and even pressure to tamp the mixture, but do not apply too much force.

  • Set up the coffee maker: place the filter holder in position and adjust the desired settings. Espresso is a 25 to 35-milliliter beverage, so don't add too much water to the coffee maker. Also, make sure the carafe is properly placed under the coffee spout.

  • Timing: the ideal extraction time for an espresso is about 25–30 seconds. However, if the coffee flows too quickly, it may be due to a coarser grind or insufficient tamping. If it flows too slowly or barely comes out, it may be too finely ground or overly tamped.

  • Enjoy: once the extraction time is complete, remove the carafe and enjoy your espresso.

How to make an espresso with a French press?

How to make espresso with coffee maker

  • Heating Water: boil water and let it sit for a few seconds to reach the ideal temperature between 90 °C and 96 °C.

  • Grinding: the beans should have a coarse and even grind. Avoid grinding too fine, as this can result in excessive sediment in the beverage.

  • Measure: add 30 grams of coffee and 500 milliliters of water, but adjust to taste.

  • Setup: remove the plunger from the French press and add the ground coffee to the empty container. Then pour in the hot water, making sure to cover completely.

  • Brewing: place the plunger of the French press on top of the jug without pressing down. Allow to steep for 4 to 5 minutes. If you prefer a milder brew, you can reduce the infusion time.

  • Squeeze:press the plunger down slowly and evenly after infusing. This will separate the grounds from the liquid and keep them at the bottom of the French press.

  • Enjoy: immediately pour the coffee into a cup slowly and avoid stirring up the sediment at the bottom. And that's it!

Remember that these steps are a general guide, and you can adjust variables such as grind size, quantity, and extraction time to suit your preferences.


Max Warehouse has the best products for your kitchen!

Find everything you need to fuel your passion for coffee. We have several types of drip coffee makers, Italian coffee makers, French presses, filters, and replacement carafes. Welcome your guests home with the best homemade coffee and share unique moments.

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Are you a business owner looking to buy coffee makers, filters, or other accessories? We invite you to try our Max Pro program for volume pricing, personalized service, and special discounts. We can help you improve your business by distributing high-quality products for you.

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